If you need to better understand your visitors and potential visitors, you might be thinking about these concerns:
We need to know more about who our visitors are.
We’re concerned about the quality of information we already have about visitors.
We’re seeking information to inform a marketing plan, or to analyze how our publicity is working to attract visitors.
We need a reliable analysis of the public’s image of our museum or organization.
We want to better understand our membership and ask them about some options for future initiatives.
You might need a systematic description of the audiences in your market area, or perhaps a systematic analysis and segmentation of current audiences. The most common types of studies are Visitor Analysis, Community ‘Image’ Studies / Market Analysis, and Membership Analysis. Some of our audience analysis projects include:
Friends of the Public Garden, Boston, MA: a Boston Common user study, multi-method study to determine the composition of the audience and their perceptions of this 50-acre park in downtown Boston
MIT Museum, Cambridge MA: a 3-year follow-up of a previous study to investigate whether the audience and their experience had changed
The Hermitage, Andrew Jackson’s Homestead, Nashville TN: studies to improve local attendance, through programming, at this nationally recognized site
The Freedom Trail Foundation, Boston MA: an intercept study of the composition of Freedom Trail visitors and post-visit perceptions of their experience